Monday, February 24, 2014

In case you were wondering...

I suppose I haven't kept anyone up to date with what I'm doing.

And for that, I am sorry. I didn't mean to be secretive or discrete, it just happened that I kept it under wraps until now.

I'm in New Jersey, in case you'd forgotten, and my work has shifted into the 3D. There's still a familial connection to my old work - that seems obvious - but its very very different. This is because my (our) move to Jersey has also moved me into a larger focus on biology and the aesthetics of particular organisms, especially dictyostelid and ant bivouacs.

With these organisms and their structures in mind I am creating a full-scale figure comprised entirely of smaller figures, I have dubbed it the Superorganism. Each piece is created by means of 3D printing and will be 'finished' with a metallic patina - iron or bronze.

Below you can see the images of the Head, the Rib Cage and the Arms. I am about halfway through with the project and now I'll keep you up to date.

I'll see you soon, I promise.


Images copyright Tyler Zeleny 2014.